Monday, February 26, 2007


You know, these used to be called "journals".

No matter what they were called, I'm yet the next Johnny-come-lately, to make the statement - "I'm late to the blogging game". Since so many people are certain that the rest of us are interested in the minutiae of their lives, I'm certain you are interested in the minutiae of mine.

Before I really get started, let me point out that it's not a question of "if" you will find objectionable content in my blog but "when" you will find it. Like all other forms of media, you're welcome to change the channel.

I've actually been blogging for years about the one subject matter that I actually have any expertise on - software development. I just used a horribly antiquated technology called email. Therefore there's no nice, pretty, discussion-style record of it. Of course that assumes any of it was ever worthwhile which is a totally incorrect assumption.

Anyway... I'll be trying to log the progress I make on various projects I'm working on and technology topics that I'm interested in. On occasion, I'll get someone to check my grammar.


Bo said...

Welcome, man! I was late to this game too, but I'm having a blast. The blogosphere can only be enhanced by your entry. Well, probably also by you starting a blog.

Carey Cilyok said...

Everything is enhance by my entry.